General Updates

SRFM – Mug Night – 9 Sep 11

Your Entertainments Committee would like you invite you to the Senior Rates Fleet Mess Mug Night function on Friday the 9th of September 2011.  This is an opportunity to meet past mess members and enjoy your facility, the TV’s will be tuned to the opening ceremony and evenings Rugby games, you will also get a panoramic view of the harbour and fireworks display.
We will be providing a small supper, so I would appreciate a heads up from those of you who are thinking of attending so we can work out the catering requirements, please email me at or pre-purchase a ticket ($25.00) at the bar. 
For a port on arrival and selected beers between 1800 – 2100.  A curry supper will be served just before the game ($5 for just the meal). Screening the Opening ceremony, game, good view of the fireworks and a Bar extension to 2359.