Where have all the Communicators Gone?
Noel and his wife Sheryll Kinnimont are interested in the whereabouts of the following communicators and would like to make contact. Noel and Sheryll’s email address is nellietreetops@slingshot.co.nz. His request is repeated below:
Website is excellent, but a lot of names are unfamiliar–guess it comes with old age…can anybody shed some light on the whereabouts of the following (Sparkers mainly with a few bunting tosser’s thrown in) –and others I’ve forgoten due to CRAFT
Don McMurray,
Rex Handcock,
Skin Paull,
Doggie Stewart,
Carl Edwards,
Shiner Wright (33rd Seaman Boys),
Ernie Koch,
Snow Millson,
Mike Harrington,
Chris Precey,
Mo Garvie.
Bill Ross,
Graham Webby,
Chappie Chapman,
Russell Hockley (Maybe its him on the site)
Jim Blackburn the same,
Ken McCann(Father P.O.Tel Frank)
Georgie Hill,
Bugs Hewson,
Dodger Long,
Ken Beattie,
Henri Bull,
John Snow
John Bullock
All of these from 1955 to 1965 plus others I’ve missed and my other half would (Blue Wilson) would like to know if anyone knows the whereabouts of the following jennies(Sigs),
Frankie McCabe,
Stormi Fairweather,