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How things have changed!  – Thanks Neal Catley

How things have changed!  – Thanks Neal Catley.
The short video [59 seconds] is a survey about how and where people now spend their time.    It is depressing! 

2 thoughts on “How things have changed!  – Thanks Neal Catley


    Sad alright, however in many cases being online” is the only way one can keep up with whanau.

  • Mike Catlow

    Bob Dylan – Times they are a’changing & how. Thanks for that presentation video Neal. Each year that I manage above ground I am thankful for being born when I was (same birth year as RNZN). From movies to music, career, travel & being able to enjoy a long-held hope of maybe learning to be a landscape artist which keeps the brain seriously stretched trying to learn it all (which I can’t – too much info) & so never a chance of ever being bored in retirement. I am grateful for growing up in my era & I would guess a lot of others would feel the same seeing how much the world is changing. However I do like progress in technology & I would be lost without my computer to record my life and memories for family history & communicate with friends around the world.’


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