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Waikanae Comms Gathering

A recent gathering of Ex communicators at Waikanae took place on 16 March 2023. It was a great catch up and a few lies told over an ale or two. Apologies were received from, Neil Worthington, Mike Catlow, Colin Hayward and Millie Hayward, Ian Prisk, Bob Ohlson, Yvonne Ohlson, Chris Precey, Mark Frew, Bernie Duff, Bob and Anne McKenzie, Don McMurray, Ernie Koch and Murray Nash

Des Sanson with his back to the camera, Stu Keith, Joe Maroney, Annette, Tony Locke, Paul Murray, Brian Chambers, Matt Fogden and Frank Rands
Joan Farrow, Chris Farrow, Charlie Matenga, Peter Campbell, Des Sanson, Stu Keith, Joe Maroney, Annette and Tony Locke.
Des Sanson, Peter Campbell, Charlie Matenga, Chris Farrow, Joan Farrow, Bronwyn Chambers and Frank Rands

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