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Prince William lays wreath at Anzac Day service

Anzac Day marks the start of the First World War Gallipoli landings and is a national day of remembrance for Australia and New Zealand.25th April 2022 at 11:36 am

IMAGE ID 2J5P8K2 Prince William lays a wreath at the Cenotaph at ceremony commemorating Anzac Day 250422 CREDIT PA Images, Alamy Stock Photo
The Duke of Cambridge lays a wreath at the Cenotaph (Picture: PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo).

The Duke of Cambridge has attended a service commemorating Anzac Day in London.

Prince William laid a wreath at the Cenotaph, ahead of a thanksgiving service at Westminster Abbey, which was also attended by his wife the Duchess of Cambridge.

The Duke of Gloucester, meanwhile, attended a dawn service at the New Zealand Memorial at London’s Hyde Park Corner.

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand.

It marks the day in 1915 when thousands of Anzac troops (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) landed on the shores of Gallipoli during the First World War.

Thousands of soldiers died in the campaign, which eventually ended in failure, with the Allies’ withdrawal in December of that year.

The statement read: “As we pause to reflect on the sacrifice of the Armed Services personnel of Australia and New Zealand in two world wars, and in other conflicts and peacekeeping operations, our thoughts will also be with those communities around the world who are being torn apart by violence and conflict, and those who are fighting for freedom in the face of oppression.”