General Updates

From the President

On behalf of the RNZNCA Committee, I would like to wish you and your families a very merry
Christmas and a happy New Year.
Hopefully, 2021 will be an improvement on the horrendous year we have just had and life will
return to some sense of normality (whatever that may be.)
If you are travelling, stay safe and enjoy the time seeing this wonderful country we call home.
For those able to get together with your whānau, cherish the time with them.
Wishing you good health and fortune, and look forward to catching up with people at the reunion.
Gary Houghton
President RNZNCA

One thought on “From the President

  • Mike Catlow

    I am sure members reciprocate the Committees comments, Thanks for doing such an amazing job of informing communicators of all the issues. Let us hope 2021 will be a more pleasant year without Covid regaining any control. Have a great Christmas everyone.

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