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Review of the Operation of the Veterans’ Support Act 2014

Hon Ron Mark
Minister for Veterans

23 May 2018

Minister for Veterans Ron Mark has tabled in Parliament a review of the operation of the Veterans’ Support Act 2014.

The review was carried out by Professor Ron Paterson, of Auckland University.

The Act requires its operation to be reviewed two years after coming into effect, in order to determine if any amendments should be made. Due to the large number of submissions on the Act the due date for the review was extended by three months.

“Professor Paterson has listened to veterans from all over the country and produced a very thorough report,” says Ron Mark.

“He’s provided a number of recommendations around the delivery of support to veterans and their families and what their future needs might be.

“The report makes a total of 64 recommendations. Some are technical and can be dealt with relatively easily and quickly. I have asked officials to begin work on these immediately.

“Some of the other recommendations are more complex. I have instructed Veterans’ Affairs to provide options for follow-up action by the end of the year,” says Ron Mark.

While the question of the definition of the term “veteran” was outside the scope of the review, a number of submissions were made on the subject.

“I acknowledge that Professor Paterson has deemed this question fundamental, and I know that there are a range of views on it within the veteran community,” says Ron Mark.

“I have therefore accepted the recommendation for further work to be done on the issue. I will make a decision before the end of June on how this work will be undertaken.

“I agree with Professor Paterson’s view that it’s a complex question and there are going to be a number of aspects of it that will have to be worked through. But its work worth pursuing for our veterans,” says Ron Mark.

The report can be found by clicking HERE

Recommendation 63 is still the elephant in the room