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Declaration of Operational Service for the Purposes of the Veterans’ Support Act 2014
In accordance with section 9 of the Veterans’ Support Act 2014 (“Act”), I hereby give the following notice.

I declare service:
at the New Zealand Embassy, Moscow, in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), later known as the Russian Federation, between 1 August 1978 and 31 July 1992, to be operational service for the purposes of the Act.
This declaration covers:
New Zealand Armed Forces and New Zealand Defence Force personnel seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or the Ministry of External Relations and Trade at the New Zealand Embassy in Moscow between 1 August 1978 and 31 July 1992.
The persons covered by this declaration shall have access to the entitlements and services specified in the Act and the Veterans’ Support Regulations 2014.
I am satisfied, as required by the Act, that there was a significant risk of harm to those who undertook this service.
Dated this 25th day of March 2018.
Hon RON MARK, Minister for Veterans.

What does this mean for the SE Asian medal and Antarctic Medallic recognition teams?


  • Rex Edwards

    Gobsmacking. “Significant risk of harm in the Moscow Embassy” Must have been the threat posed by the admin staff!

  • John Bullock

    …. and what about those who served on “HDML Black Boats” around the whole of the New Zealand coast. These vessels were not exactly designed for this type of operation, built in the USA for harbour defence only! There were certainly no “home comforts” aboard, and paid two shillings a day for the privilege.

    • Bollox, as a shilling was made up of different metals, this was the same as a medal. You therefore received the equivalent AND received the NZDSM as well. How greedy can you get. Mind you, the NZDSM has always been a sore point because it all depends where the comma should be: NZ Defence, Service Medal or the NZ Defence Service, Medal. Originally, they wanted to make it the NZ Defence Force Service Medal until it was pointed out to them that most of us didn’t serve in the NZ Defence Forces but the NZ Armed Forces. As usual, the Australians have got it right with their Australian Defence Service Medal meaning that the medal is for those who have/are served/serving in the Defence of Australia. Not like the NZDSM which THEY are saying is for the anything else that is not already covered.

  • Barry Walden

    Something doesn’t add up here. I am a bit puzzled as to where the significant risk of harm came from. Was it classed as a war zone? Was anyone fired upon? Were there any lives in imminent danger? Was the Hon Ron Mark ever posted there?????????

  • H’mm, does seem’s a bit odd. I tried for a vets card in AU and had to say why I was in an area likely to be shot at or similar. (Thought that was Navy orders?) Maybe it’s time to look again at being radiated? Perhaps being 3/8ths of plate steel away from being blown up by a dugout full of TNT, does really qualify you!
    Or perhaps I am just getting old and venting past frustrations with no real cause.

  • John Bullock

    I believe some of us who did Shore Patrol seconded to the Royal Navy from HMS Tamar, Hong Kong, that focused on being a “MP” down Wanchai, during the Vietnam war era need some recognition. It was tuff going chasing sailors in and out of very unsavory “tourist spots” that would save them from a visit to the ships’ doctor shortly thereafter!

  • Dennis O'Rourke

    After my service in the RNZN I joined the NZ Army (TF) and served 2 tours of duty at the NZ Embassy in Moscow. The Cold War was still on and the place was rather grim. Time was spent when off duty visiting the bars of the other Western Embassies and sightseeing around Moscow.. Lots of fun and lots of vodka and European beers! Moscow Hash House Harriers every Sunday followed by ‘down downs’ (drinks for imagined misdemeanors) and ‘Broom Ball’ where a form of ice hockey was played on flooded and frozen embassy tennis courts were highlights which helped to pass the time between duties at the NZ Embassy.. Biggest danger was slipping on the ice and snow wending ones’ way back to the accommodation in the Embassy whilst having over-imbibed! When the Spring thaw came the bodies of those who had fallen asleep in the snow came forth! All in all it was a great experience and a lot of fun. Dennis O’Rourke ex-PEW

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