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Rembering Our Past

Recording our history in oral or written form is not only good for the soul but it also provides others who follow us in life the enjoyment in reading of what life was really like in the past.  For some it was not easy and for others it was a breeze.  For some who joined the Navy it was not a good experience, for others it was the making of them.  We all have a story to tell.  Don’t put it off.

To all Communicators, please consider starting to record your history.  If you do not want it published on the blog that is fine, but do record it for your family and especially your grand children because after you are gone it is too late..

John ‘Dickie’ Dallow has started to record his navy history and we will publish on the blog as he goes about this task.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

10 thoughts on “Rembering Our Past

  • Loved it if the ret is like this it’s a book good luck

  • Morning Frank,
    I presume you would like the boring, sanitised version and not the “how the hell did I survive over 20 years” version?
    Happy Easter

    • Actually Jim I think we need some warts. If you think a persons ID needs to be respected then lets have the story/dit and we will make the person anomymous


      • Agree Frank. There are a lot of communicators out there with anecdotes that would make interesting reading.

    • John Bullock

      I think Jim, SWMBO would most definitely sanitise any “true stories” you might care to author!

      • As I have already put up many anecdotes on the old comms website and this blog, I feel that I would only be repeating myself.

        • Jim,

          Ever thought of publishing your memoires. Dickie Dallow has just started and it would be good to get your era down on paper as well.


  • Peter Maitland

    Enjoyed chapter one, anxiously awaiting chapter two.
    best wishes
    Peter Maitland

  • Peter Broom

    I joined after Dickie with 12th boys who’s specialists were sparkers and this didn’t appeal to me so I carried on as a boy seaman.After about 6 months I could see this was going to be a boring life so the next class (13th) were to be buntings.8of our class applied to go back a class and we then formed the 13th boysigs our instructor was Bluey Weldale .When we finally went to sea,in Bellona also I can remember Dickie was there as well.

  • I will give it some thought Frank and try to fit it in my busy retirement schedule.

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