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Navy Helicopter Operations 50th Anniversary Veterans Open Day – 9 Sep 16

Greetings to all Veterans, Ex Servicemen and Women;

Calling all pilots, engineers, observers, helicopter loadmasters and support crew involved in Navy helo operations.

It’s been 50 years since New Zealand first took delivery of several Westland HAS Mk1 Wasp helicopters. Today naval helicopter operations are supported by No. 6 Squadron, operating the Kaman SH-2G(I) Seasprite from our ships.

On 9 September, we are recognising 50 years of hard work with a veterans open day at Whenuapai Air Force Base. We’d like to invite anyone who’s been involved in Navy helo operations to attend with friends and family to celebrate with us, share stories take a look at the new helos and flight simulator and see where their work has led us.


Thanks to Peter Lewis for the image

Events will begin at 1000 with an open day, hangar and simulator tours followed by a light lunch at the base preceding a Parade at 1400.

Please bring your children, grandchildren and friends to see how our current helo operations run, share dits with past colleagues and talk with the fleet today.

To register your interest to attend the commemorative events email

What: 50th Anniversary of Naval Helo Operations Vets Open Day
Where: Whenuapai Airforce Base, Whenuapai, Auckland
When: Friday, 9 September
Time: 1000 – 1500