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This is an object of the past and I doubt that many of the current day communicators would have ever seen anything like it.  This particular bug belonged to an old and nold and was used regularly at HMNZS IRIRANGI in the 60’s.  Maybe WORS Bevan Lawes can recognise it and advise who the Operator might have been.  Or there maybe other communicators who owned similar devices and recognise this key.  If you still have your bug send a image of it and I will upload to the blog.


and another Key.  This time pinched, stolen, obtained from the Air Force what did MCU stand for?….  Operator will rename nameless..


This Key is owned by Paddy Long and was used extensively at Irirangi – 69 thru about 75 ….    69 was my first of three postings to ZLO :-} … the key also served on Taranaki, Paea and Canterbury !   Thanks Paddy.
