General Updates

Membership Drive

In January 2016 a number of you will have received an email from me advising that you are not a member of the association and to please consider joining the association by paying the one off life time membership fee of $25.00.   I am happy to report that a number of you have taken up this opportunity and joined the association.  To date here is a list of our new members.

Dean Bloor, Maurice Bruce, Brian Burford, Gail Burgess,  Ron Burton, Alec Crighton,  Rick Fearnley, John Fowler,  Tiwha Hakaria, Peter Hinton, Robyn Hinton, Dale Hobbs, Lisa Hunn,  Huna Keepa, Suzanne Maguire, Larry Maindonald, Leanne McCune, Michael Miller, John Parkes, John Parkinson,  Ian Prisk, Rick Rapana, Stuart Reid, Megan Ruru, Trevor Smith,  Trevor Stevens,  Richard Tottman.

Foundation membership has also been taken up by David and Velvet McKirdy, and Ronald Burton.

So come on to all those that have not responded and that would be approx 250 communicators.

Please, please, if you do not want to become a member and no longer wish to be inundated with requests for you to join then add a comment to this post or email me at and I will ensure you are removed from the database.  We understand that it is not everybody’s cup of tea to be a member so tell me and I will take the appropriate action.  This will not prevent you from joining in the future if your circumstances change.

However, if you enjoy reading the blog and keeping in touch, than do the right thing and pay your lifetime membership fee of $25.00 and become a member of the association. Click HERE to download the application form.  Stop sitting on the fence umming and arrhing Take ACTION NOW

We also have an Australian Bank Account for deposits to assist those of you who are living across the ditch.  If you want the account details please email me and I will pass them along.


Frank Rands  (Membership)