20″ Signal Projector
A question has been posed to the Association as to where this 20″ signal projector may have originated. Do not confuse it with the Patt170A which was fitted to HMNZS OTAGO and TARANAKI. It has a makers plate which says 20″ Signalling Searchlight Pattern No 12257 ADM 162 Year 1948.

So, What ships were these projectors fitted too and can anyone advise if it was used for flashing light or just illumination.
Cruisers had them and if my memory is correct after some 70 years, usedthemfor signal traffic and night illumination when required. They wereusually black like 10 inch. Should be aright hand shutter lever. Useful in bright sun.
Cant recall having this “beast” fitted on the Bellona.when we took it back to U.K, only the Patt 170
Bill Bartlett
They were definitely fitted on Dido class cruisers and could be used as a signal lamp and search light.Because of the light eliment they could get very hot if used to long.
Had them on the old KANIERE and PUKAKI. As Bill mentioned they were a beast. Had to change the Carbon Rods quite often (didnt last long if in use). Bloody big black lever and you couldnt transmit morse very fast. Got very hot as I think it pushed out about 40 odd million candle power.
Cheers Pilz
Fitted on Black Prince, but as Robin said, black
This is not the model we had in the RNZN. The motor, cooling and elevation devices are different